New announcements from the ATO introducing two new data matching programs for Share Transactions, and for Motor Vehicles.
Motor Vehicle:
The ATO has announced a new “Motor Vehicle data matching program” to collect details of individuals or businesses that have purchased or acquired a vehicle costing $10,000 or more in the 2011/12 and the 2012/13 financial years from the following:
ACT – Australian Capital Territory Road Transport Authority.
NSW – Roads and maritime Services new South Wales.
QLD – Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads.
VIC – VicRoads Licensing and Registrations Operations.
TAS – Tasmania Department of infrastructure Energy and Resources, Registration and Licensing Branch.
SA – South Australia Department for Transport, Energy and Infrastructure.
WA – Western Australia Department of Transport.
NT – Northern Territory Department of Lands & Planning.
The data will be electronically matched with certain sections of ATO data holdings to identify non-complience with lodgement, payment and correct reporting obligations under taxation law.
Share Transactions:
The ATO has announced a new “Share transactions data matching program” that will acquire details of transactions from share registries from 20 September 1985 to 30 June 2016 from the following:
- Link Market Services Limited;
- Computershare Limited;
- Australian Securities Exchange Limited;
- Boardroom Pty Ltd;
- Advanced Share Registry Services Pty Ltd;
- Security Transfer Registrars Pty Ltd.
The Type of data that the ATO will collect is:
- Name of taxpayer;
- Address;
- Holder identity number;
- Shareholder registry number;
- Entity name;
- Entity ASX code;
- Purchase date and price;
- Sale date and price;
- Number of shares acquired or sold;
- Corporate actions affecting shareholders (e.g., corporate reconstructions)
- Name of broker;
- Transaction codes;
- Entity type; and
- Direction indicator (buy/sell)
The ATO estimates that more than 95 million records will be obtained, including the records for approximately 1.2 million individuals.
These records will be electronically matched with certain ATO data holdings to identify non-compliance with registration, lodgment, reporting and payment obligations under taxation laws.